How to Take a Backup from cPanel: Step-by-Step Guide

Backing up your website is essential for protecting your data. cPanel provides an easy way to back up both your website files and databases. In this guide, we’ll show you how to back up your website by first zipping all your files and downloading them, and then exporting your desired database using phpMyAdmin.

Step 1: Zip All Files in File Manager and Download Them

To back up your website files, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to cPanel:

    • Open your Client Area: Client Area Login.
    • Click on Manage for the hosting account you want to back up.
    • Click the "Login to cPanel" button to access the cPanel dashboard.
  2. Access File Manager:

    • In cPanel, scroll down to the Files section.
    • Click on File Manager to open the file management interface.
  3. Navigate to Your Website’s Root Directory:

    • Once inside File Manager, navigate to the public_html directory (or the root directory where your website files are stored).
  4. Select All Files:

    • Click Select All from the top of the File Manager interface to select all files in the folder.
  5. Compress the Files:

    • With all the files selected, click on the Compress button at the top of the File Manager interface.
    • In the pop-up, choose Zip Archive and click Compress File(s).
  6. Download the Zipped File:

    • Once the compression is complete, a .zip file will be created in the public_html directory.
    • Right-click on the zip file and select Download to save it to your computer.
  7. Store Your Backup:

    • It’s advisable to store your downloaded backup on your local machine or external storage for safekeeping.

Step 2: Export the Desired Database via phpMyAdmin

Next, you need to back up your MySQL database. Follow these steps to export your database:

  1. Access phpMyAdmin:

    • In cPanel, go to the Databases section.
    • Click on phpMyAdmin to open the database management interface.
  2. Select the Database:

    • On the left sidebar, find and click on the database associated with your website (the name of the database is typically found in your website's configuration file).
  3. Export the Database:

    • After selecting your database, click on the Export tab at the top of the phpMyAdmin interface.
  4. Choose Export Method:

    • You will see two export options: Quick and Custom.
      • Quick: Exports the entire database in a simple format.
      • Custom: Allows you to select specific tables and options for the export.
    • For most users, the Quick option is sufficient. Select Quick and leave the export format as SQL.
  5. Download the Exported Database:

    • Click the Go button to begin the export process.
    • The database will be downloaded as an .sql file, which you can store on your computer for safekeeping.

Step 3: Store Your Backups Safely

Once you’ve backed up both your website files and database, make sure to:

  • Keep your backups in multiple locations (local storage, cloud storage, or external hard drives) to ensure the safety of your data.
  • Label your backups with the date and the website or database they correspond to, so you can easily identify them in case you need to restore them later.


By following these steps, you can create a complete backup of your website, including both files and databases. Regular backups are essential for website maintenance and ensure that you can quickly restore your website in case of any issues.

If you ever need assistance with backing up or restoring your data, feel free to reach out to StormHoster’s 24/7 Support Team for help!

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